Friday, September 16, 2011

Can we talk?

There are so many times I want to write something here, but I still can't get past the thought of oversharing, or of writing something here that may hurt an unsuspecting reader. Egotistical perhaps given that my blog is not well-read, but that doesn't mean that a loved one wouldn't happen upon this, and since those are the folks in my life, those would be the ones I'm writing about, natch?

I'd like to think that I could write something here, and that anyone reading would understand that sometimes the thoughts just need to come out. That unexpressed emotions and feelings will often fester, to blow up at a later date, or to rot so thoroughly that hope for healing has passed. Hoping for this and trusting in this are two very different things though, so for now, discretion will remain the better part of valor.

If you read this or think of me, think kind thoughts please?!

Thank you.