Sunday, September 24, 2006


As much as I wish my great sin was that of lust, or pride, or maybe even wrath, I'm pretty sure mine would be sloth, with a small side of gluttony. I swear I live by the motto, "Why do today what you could put off until tomorrow". This past weekend was FULL of time for me to actually get some things accomplished around the house, I just couldn't bring myself to do any of it... Hell (no pun intended), I'm even having a hard time writing this entry. I keep thinking that I have nothing blog-worthy to write about.

Of course, not too many blog-worthy things happen because I simply rarely ever get out and about. I keep resolving to get off my a** and DO SOMETHING already, but then I think, "OK, I'll do something tomorrow." See how that vicious cycle works?

Then again - when I think about it, I have a pretty busy schedule. I work full-time (who doesn't), I go to class twice a week, and while the past couple of weekends have been slow, typically I'm in my car driving to visit family or friends. I think my problem has less to do with being slothful and more to do with not getting any sense of verve out of the things I am doing! Where did this horrible sense of apathy come from? I have a good life... why the hell don't I enjoy it more?!?

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